Collaborative community approach to migrant education: enhancing young migrants' education by developing links between schools, the home and local partners in education
European portfolio for pre-primary educators: a tool for reflective practice in intial teacher education, focusing on professional competences and attitudes of teachers of 3 to 6-year-old children with regard to languages and cultures
Towards whole school curricula (PlurCur) Examples of practice in school: clarifying, developing and implementing plurilingual, intercultural and inclusive whole school policies in different contexts in ECML member states
Teaching the language of schooling in the context of diversity (MALEDIVE): making use of students’ complex language repertoires when studying the language of schooling
Empowering language networks (LACS): encouraging teachers and associations involved in different aspects of language education (foreign modern, heritage or majority languages) to collaborate in order to develop learners’ full linguistic potential
Majority language in multilingual settings (MARILLE): promoting plurilingualism in majority language teaching