Information / resources about plurilingual and intercultural education

Other documents and links in French are available on the French version of this page

Websites for parents with bilingual children

  • bilingualism matters: help more children benefit from bilingualism - bridging the gap between researchers and the community (bilingual families, educators and policy makers)
  • multilingual parenting - bilingual children: thoughts and advice for parents in a family with more than one language
  • Growing up Bilingual: support and information for all those concerned with or interested in bilingual children and their upbringing and education. In English and Dutch.
  • IPGSA, an Irish association whose purpose is to support immigrants parents & guardians in accessing information regarding the Irish Educational System, thus empowering them to play an active role in their children's schooling and ensuring that there is equity in the provision of their children's needs within classrooms and schools.


  • A Euronews video, The Bilingual Challenge: Languages can be a double-edged sword in multilingual societes. They are a keystone of cultural identity but can also be a barrier to integration and educational success.  A passage in this documentary shows how parents are involved in their children's lives at the kindergarten. 
  • An NBC video: Putting parents to work in the classroom
  • un documentario sul bilinguismo: SuperQuark 17/08/2013  (Italian)
  • Anna Cardinaletti - Università Ca' Foscari-intervista Antonella Sorace -Universita' di Edinburgo - sui vantaggi cognitivi del bilinguismo (Italian). 

Other documents

  • Children in Multilingual Families: this booklet published in Norway addresses 10 questions parents often ask about their children’s multilingual development. It is also designed for employees of kindergartens, schools and family health centres, and it can be used as the basis for conversations with parents about children’s multilingual development. (in English)
  • Moving between languages: the aim of this brochure is to show how Swedish pre-schools and schools intend to support multilingual children and young people in the development of their language and their acquisition of new knowledge (in English)









Blogs and other websites 



  • The One Voice for Languages Group, an Irish group which aims to be a unified voice for various language networks and associations in Ireland. The group will be inclusive and will cooperate with various members from across Irish society as well as with experts in linguistics, thereby highlighting all aspects of language learning and teaching in a multilingual and multicultural context.