Projects and events
Plurilingual and intercultural education
Parental involvement
Related ECML projects
FREPA - A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures
Parents-teachers activities
European Centre for Modern Languages
Information about parental involvement
Other documents and links in French are available on the
French version of this page
An NBC video :
Putting parents to work in the classroom
Qué papel pueden jugar los padres en el centro educativo de sus hijos y cómo pueden participar en la vida del mismo. Esta es una cuestión que todos los padres y madres nos hemos hecho alguna vez.
Marisol Justo de la Rosa
, coordinadora pedagógica de la Asociación Mundial de Educadores Infantiles (AMEI-WAECE), responde a la cuestión
What role can parents play in their children’s school and how can they take part in the life of the school? This is a question that all parents have asked at one time or another. Marisol Justo de la Rosa, pedagogical coordinator if the World Association of Early Years Educators, gives her answer to these questions
C.E.I.P. Adriano del Valle, Barriada de la Plata, Sevilla.
Familiares del centro participan como ponentes en la
Fase de Sensibilización de Comunidades de Aprendizaje
celebrado en el CEP de Sevilla el día 10 de enero de 2013
Adriano del Valle primary school, Barriada de la Plata, Seville. Pupils’ relatives provide input to the workshop on raising awareness of learning communities, which took place on 10th January 2013.
Articles and other documents
A mother's letter about the importance of involving parents in plurilingual and intercultural education (in
and in
Impact of Parental Involvement on Children's Education
, published by the department for children, schools and families, UK
A document from the Government of the Canary Islands, with
ideas to encourage immigrant parental involvement in kindergarten
(in Spanish) / Un artículo del Departamento de Educación de las Islas Canarias que da pistas de participación de las familas immigrantes en la educación infantil.